Vtiger 7 Feature: Search Related Module Fields with a Custom List View

You can view related module fields in the list view search of another module by creating a custom list (filter).  This could have a wide range of benefits for your search capabilities.  Confused about what it means?  See the example below of the ‘Organization Name – Shipping Address’ field in a ‘Contacts’ list view search. […]

Vtiger Integration: Use Your Vtiger Filters Inside Boru’s Google Maps App

If you didn’t know, you can use Google maps directly from your Vtiger with Boru’s Google Maps Integration.  We added a new picklist feature that pulls Vtiger organization filters and displays the correlating organization records on the map.   Boru’s Google Maps Picklist with Vtiger Organization Filters: Vtiger Organization filtered results on Google Maps App Location Pin Colors […]

Vtiger Customization: Widget Tabs to Find Data Faster and Save Space

Our client’s widget lists on Vtiger 6 were so long, they could not find the necessary data.  We helped them avoid this issue by creating a tabbed widget that filters the data into tabs based on chosen conditions.  The Widget Tabs: Save space – they take up less area on your screen because the data is in different […]