Vtiger Customization: Easier to Use Menu – Improved Global Navigation Layout
To navigate your CRM in standard Vtiger 7, you must scroll down, hover, scroll over, and click to get to sub-categories. This is not the easiest way to find your way around Vtiger, and our client found it difficult for their users. We created a fixed menu for our client to address the issue: Global […]
Vtiger Customization: Pinned Modules Improve Vtiger 7 Global Navigation
Many people love the global navigation in Vtiger 6 and how the modules stay at the top of the screen. We created a feature in Vtiger 7 that pins our client’s most useful icons to appear when users login into Vtiger. This way the modules are easy to find and navigate. We also created unique modules […]
Vtiger 7 Bug: Global Navigation Sub-Menu Does Not Work on Smaller Touchscreen Devices
We want to quickly state that sub-menus in global navigation do not appear on some smaller touchscreen devices. This is due to a lack of hover ability on these devices. Although we have not tested it out, code.vtiger.crm has a post about this issue and a potential workaround here. This works for most devices, but not every […]