Vtiger Customization: Change Column Width in List View

Have you ever wanted to change the column width in Vtiger list views like you can in Excel graphs?  Our client had list view data with varying amounts of text, so we added this capability in their CRM. It is helpful because it saves space in columns with less text, at the same time it shows complete text […]

Vtiger Resource: Everything You Need to Know About List View

We have written a large amount of content on Vtiger’s list view.  Below are blog posts that show you the best way to use list view, how to change the way it appears, and customizations. How to Use List View: Search Related Module Fields with a Custom List View Spend Less Time Scrolling – New […]

Vtiger Customization: Icons – Identify Record Type in List View in a Glance

We added additional icons to a customized address widget for a client.  With these icons our client can identify, at a glance, what the record type is while looking at it in list view.  Address Type: Primary address (represented by a house icon) Mailing address (represented by an envelope icon)   Contact us to learn more […]

Vtiger Tips & Tricks: Exporting in Reports Compared to List View

What is a key difference between exporting in reports vs. exporting in list view?  When you export using detail reports, it only shows you the columns you chose in the report compared to list view that downloads every column. Read about exporting in reports here. Read about exporting in list view here. Contact us to learn […]

Vtiger Tips & Tricks: Speed Up Your List View Load Times

If you have a large Vtiger database, you may experience slow loading time while in list views.  If you want to speed things up, try this trick.  You will need some database administration skills to do it or you can contact us for more help. Modify the sorting default for the Vtiger mysql database — […]

Vtiger 7 New Feature: Edit in List View

Vtiger 7 Open Source created a new feature where you can edit contact or lead information in list view.     How to edit in list view (video below): Search for the contact / lead in the search bar Double click on an open space in the contact / lead row you want to edit Edit contact […]