Upgrading to Vtiger 7.5: Boosting Performance and Efficiency

Introduction: Elevating CRM with Vtiger Upgrade

In the realm of CRM solutions, staying current with technology is paramount. At Boru, we recently embarked on a project to upgrade a client’s Vtiger CRM system from version 7.0 to 7.5. This upgrade was part of a broader initiative to enhance their server capabilities, improve system speed, and streamline their operational workflow, particularly in the tickets module.

The Upgrade Process: A Journey to Enhanced Performance

1. Setting Up a New Server Environment

Our client’s first step was to build a new server with upgraded hardware, entrusting us with its management. We implemented our maintenance and diagnostics functionalities, ensuring the server’s robustness and reliability.

2. Transitioning to Vtiger 7.5

A significant aspect of this project was upgrading their Vtiger system from version 7.0 to 7.5. This upgrade was not just about moving to a newer version; it was about harnessing enhanced features and capabilities for better performance.

3. Customization and Personalization

Beyond the upgrade, we focused on personalizing the client’s Vtiger experience. This included removing ads from the login page, enhancing the login screen with the client’s chosen image and styling, and tailoring the system to their specific needs.

Addressing the Core: Improving the Tickets Module

1. Enhancing System Speed

Recognizing that the client’s primary use of Vtiger involved managing a high volume of tickets, we identified and addressed speed issues in navigating the ticket list view and accessing individual tickets.

2. Implementing Elasticsearch

To tackle the challenges with the standard search functionality, we implemented Elasticsearch. This not only improved the search speed but also allowed for a more efficient user flow in search results, with the added capability for admin users to customize search fields and results.

3. Optimizing ListView Navigation

We further enhanced system performance by adding indexing to the table for ticket records. This optimization significantly reduced the delay in navigating around tickets, despite the large volume of records.

Conclusion: A Leap Forward with Vtiger 7.5

The completion of this project marked a significant leap in operational efficiency for our client. The move to a new server, coupled with the Vtiger 7.5 upgrade and our targeted optimizations, resulted in a CRM system that was not only faster but also more aligned with the client’s workflow. Our efforts in customizing the search functionality and improving ListView navigation, in particular, contributed to a more seamless and efficient user experience.

At Boru, we believe in the power of tailored CRM solutions. This project exemplifies our commitment to enhancing our clients’ operational workflows through strategic CRM upgrades and customizations. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your Vtiger CRM system. Contact us for more information on how we can transform your CRM experience.

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