Banners and other graphics to dress up your Vtiger CRM

One request we get a lot here at Boru is from Vtiger users who want to upgrade the look of their CRM. Unfortunately, configuring the look of Vtiger in the open-source edition is largely limited to selecting a theme color and logo file. This is often unsatisfactory for clients that wish to project a polished image throughout the organization.

To assist Vtiger users in raising the tone, we are able to insert banners and other page graphics into their system along with a nice GUI for changing out the image. One such customer recently asked us to place a page-width banner directly above the main menu and create an easy way for their Vtiger administrator to change the image on demand. We created a place for his banner images and a simple GUI. Now the customer can simply change the graphic file to match the season or current promotion in a way that conveys news, style and tone to every user.

Boru can dress up your Vtiger CRM with custom graphic placement.

If you would like to make your Vtiger CRM reflect the company image you’ve worked hard to develop, please contact us. In addition to the Vtiger expertise needed to make these enhancements, we can assist you with producing logos and other graphics for your CRM.

Interested in learning more? Let us send you an email.

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