Boru Has a Replacement Calendar That Meets the Needs Vtiger’s Calendar Does Not

I had a couple calls last week from clients looking for customizations of the vtiger calendar.  In each case I was able to show them that our Vtiger calendar app had all the features they needed at a fraction of the price.  It reminded me that I take this app for granted and there are some really great features that elevate it above Vtiger’s calendar.  Here is a short list:

  1. The Boru vtiger calendar let’s you use a great calendar interface, but the database is all vtiger so your appts show up everywhere you want.
  2. You can send invites to your contacts, leads and employees just like a gmail and outlook calendar.
  3. You can link contacts, leads, accounts, etc to the appointment from the quick add view — it is super easy and intuitive
  4. Our calendar app has two great views for scheduling
  5. You can customize the data that displays on the appt block – e.g. show city, mobile phone, client rating, etc., whatever works best for you.

I included a comparison chart below and you can see a video here.

Vtiger Calendar Replacement

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