Custom search filtering with multi select and ajax

What happens when you need just a little bit more oomph from your search filtering?

We answered that question recently with a slick piece of custom development. Our client needed to filter their opportunity records and search on multiple values. On top of that, they also needed to search for records within a range of years.

Our solution was to create a custom search window with enhanced filtering. Now the client can search both normally and using multi select picklist values. They can also filter on a range of model years.

As if that weren’t cool enough, we also added a little extra magic; the search results update each time a new value is selected from the picklist. This means that there’s no more entering criteria and hitting search only to find zeo results. Our client now can see the search update with each new value chosen from the multi select picklist.

Interested in this awesome feature set? Contact us to discuss how we can do this customization for you


Custom developed Ajax search filters for the Vtiger Prospects module

Interested in learning more? Let us send you an email.

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