How Does Global Search Work in Vtiger 6.x

In Vtiger 5.4, the global search queried every bit of data in the system.  It was super slow once the database got over a certain size.  It was often was unusable because it was so slow.

In Vtiger 6.x, they skinnied the global search down, but many people don’t know what it is searching. Some think it is searching everything and are confused by the results.

Here is a breakdown of how the Vtiger 6.x global search works.  It searches the “Label” field of each module for matches.  The “Label” field is the primary field for that module — i.e. the clickable column in a related list/etc.  So if you are searching for a phone number or email address in the global search, you will be frustrated — it is not looking at those fields.

We can customize the search for you if you need it to do something different, or you can use the search on the list views.

Here is a list of label fields that the global search queries:
Accounts: accountname
Assets: assetname
Calendar: subject
Campaigns: campaignname
Contacts: firstname,lastname
Documents: title
Emails: subject
Faq: question
HelpDesk: title
Invoice: subject
Leads: firstname,lastname
ModComments: commentcontent
PBXManager: customernumber
Potentials: potentialname
PriceBooks: bookname
Products: productname
Project: projectname
ProjectMilestone: projectmilestonename
ProjectTask: projecttaskname
PurchaseOrder: subject
Quotes: subject
SalesOrder: subject
ServiceContracts: subject
Services: servicename
SMSNotifier: message
Users: first_name,last_name
Vendors: vendorname

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