Link Assets to Tickets in Vtiger

Scenario: You’re creating a trouble ticket for an organization for which you provide support and supply hardware. You have an asset list of the hardware that you’ve sold to this organization all crisply ordered with serial numbers and sell dates. Wouldn’t it be great if you could link those assets to trouble tickets so that your support staff would know exactly which items were malfunctioning?

We’ve got a solution for that! It’s called Click to Add an Asset to a Ticket and we just made some updates to it this week.

One of our clients was having trouble with this exact scenario. They provide hardware and software support for an astounding number of locations across a significant area. They do a high volume of trouble tickets as a result. The solution they needed was to link the assets they had on file for each customer to the trouble tickets that were being created. This extension will help them save time by linking vital information about malfunctioning units to the trouble tickets. No more guesswork for the support tech!


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