Vtiger Service Feature – Fencebuilder App

Since we have a variety of clients from all different kinds of business, we often get the opportunity to create groundbreaking technology for clients. We were recently tasked with creating a Fencebuilder App — an exciting technology that allows a more efficient sales process for both prospects and sales teams.

What makes this app so unique is the ability for a prospect to interact with Google Maps, as well as allowing clients to create their own quotes from a webpage. This app helps the user to get the ball rolling on initial questions and sort out details on pricing. This way, the prospect will have an idea of their affordable price range and the sales representative time isn’t wasted in the field.

Here’s how it works:The user enters the address where the fence will go, and then they are asked to psychically draw a line around the property where the fence will go via Google Maps. After the dimensions are recorded, the prospect is asked to sort through their desired type, material, and color of the fence. The system produces a quote right on the webpage and is dropped into Vtiger for a sales representative to follow up on.

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Fencebuilder app 2 Fencebuild app3

Does your company need a unique customization app like this client? Boru can help. Contact us at any time.




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