Vtiger Tip – Managing Summary Views and Related List Views

This  question comes up a lot on Vtiger support calls so I thought I would lay out the details of managing summary views and list views.

  1. Some modules have a summary view (Orgs, Contacts, Oppty, Leads, Tickets), but some do not (Quotes, SOs, Invoices, Service Contracts, Activities)
  2. For the modules that do have a summary view, the “Fields and Layout Editor” allows you to specify which fields are included in the Summary Views.  The fields in the Summary Views are also the columns that show in related lists (E.g. the list of contacts under the Organization Screen)
  3. The fields in the Summary Views are also the fields shown in various mouse over displays. If you haven’t noticed these, you can now mouse over a contact or org name on related lists and module list views to see the same fields you would see on the summary view for that record.

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