The Use of Contacts in an App

In the Project that we are currently working on, I am going to explain how the use of contacts from Vtiger is important and make it easier for the users. Let’s begin to describe what the contact is, in this scenario a contact will be a returning customer that would like to place an additional order. The way this would work is to add an appointment in Vtiger, then the Sales Rep will sync the appointments, and once the Rep sees the Appointment, it will see that this appointment has a pre-selected status, “Reorder”. In addition, the contact will have saved previous orders saved, related contacts that come from Vtiger, and payment information.

All in all, the use of contacts from Vtiger is something that we were able to accomplish to use in the app in order to help the customers and users for future orders. The contacts will have all this information saved so when a reorder happens, no time will be wasted and it will make the process easy for the user and the customer.

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