Vtiger Best Practices – Heads up Display

Just like a fighter pilot, employees can benefit from a heads up display in their CRM system. Vtiger has gone a big step in that direction with the summary view on 6.x, but you should be very aggressive in trying to get the 90% information into the heads up display of the summary view. With vtiger 6.x, we as developers, are able to create handy widgets that can be placed strategically in the summary view so the user feels like everything is in view and they are in control.

Many users get lost when they click in related lists and are trying to get back to the summary view. It is not intuitive. Hopefully this will be fixed in the open source VTiger 7. They have done a nice job with it in Vtiger 7 On Demand.  But the bottom line is if you can keep your users on the summary view for everything they need, they will be happier and more productive. Here are some examples:

  • On the Organization summary view – a Contacts widget allows you to add and edit linked contacts with out leaving the screen
  • Your sales people will love you for this one: on the Organization summary view – an Opportunity widget allows you to add and edit linked contacts with out leaving the screen
  • A referral widget to track referrals on the fly
  • A data entry spreadsheet that allows you enter info about the contact and spouse in a very space efficient way
  • The Boru Quick Call History module that lets you log a call/comment at the same time you schedule the follow up call.

There are lots more examples so contact us if you are interested.

Interested in learning more? Let us send you an email.

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