Vtiger Best Practices – Managing Ticket Escalations

Someone asked me recently about doing a daily report of over due tickets to manage ticket response performance. There is nothing wrong with that. Generally it gives visibility to the success/failure of the support team. But there are better ways to do it. The report will soon be ignored. You should deliver the info in a way that promotes action.

1) Represent success/failure graphically – the graph should be red for failure, green for success. So the team/manager know at a glance how they performed.
2) In order to do the above, you need to define success/failure (set goals). That is the first and most important step to start improving.
3) The graph should represent the historical trend. You may be failing but on a steady march to success. Or you may be in a flat pattern. It will force the question, what are we going to do better to improve our results.
4) Users can click on the graph to see the list of items in Vtiger that need attention.

This brings you full circle to where you started — with the list of tickets that are past due.  But with the graphical representation, you have engaged your team — in just a few tiny seconds — in a way that will promote movement and eventually improvement.

I hope that helps.

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