Vtiger Best Practices – Sales Manager Dashboards

Unlike sales people (who should really be follow up list zealots), sales managers can really benefit from dashboards.  I am going to expand my definition of dashboards to filters and reports — you will see why later.

Managers have to determine every day, “What do I spend my time on that will improve the results of my team?”  The answers are your finger tips, you just need to know where to look.

  • Opportunity Graphs in Vtiger Standard.  Most of you know how to find these.  They are minimally helpful, but at least you can size your pipeline and get a sense for how everyone is doing.  Vtiger 7 has a nice pipeline funnel graph so hopefully that makes it to open source.
  • Filters coupled with the Key Metrics Dashboard.  Create filters for things like: New Leads Created Today, New Opportunities created today, New Calls Added Today, New Appts Added Today, Calls completed today.  These can be added to the Key Metrics Dashboard, so you can get a summary of these key numbers every time you log in.  Click on any metric to see the detailed list.
  • Reports set to email to yourself.  This is the poor man’s dashboard but if you want to stay on top of your business and Vtiger standard does not have a dashboard for what you need, it is a great substitute.
  • Custom Dashboards.  If you know exactly what you want, have Boru customize it for you.
  • The Vtiger standard dashboards do not give you drill down and grouping capabilities.  Boru’s Vtiger Dashboard tiles give you this capability as well as goal setting and flexible time periods.

However you do it, find a way to get you the information that will help you focus on what needs attention on a daily basis.  It will make a difference!

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