Revolutionizing Email Management in Vtiger with Boru’s Vtiger Email Integration

Effective email management within a CRM system is pivotal for maintaining streamlined communication with contacts, organizations, and leads. Recognizing this need, Boru has developed an innovative Vtiger Email Integration for open source, enhancing its capabilities to integrate emails from external providers like Google or Office 365 seamlessly.

Seamless Integration with External Email Providers

Many businesses prefer using external email services such as Google or Office 365. Boru’s Email Linker enables these emails to be directly imported into Vtiger, thereby connecting them with the relevant CRM records. This integration is crucial for businesses that rely on email communication but still want to maintain all their information within their CRM system.

Advanced Email Scraper Functionality

The Email Linker functionality includes a scraper feature, allowing the system to copy emails into Vtiger and assign them to the appropriate records, either automatically or manually. This scraper can be configured for both incoming and outgoing emails, ensuring comprehensive email management.

User-Friendly Configuration and Interface

Admins can easily set up the Email Linker through a simple configuration screen, choosing from various account structures like Google, Office 365, or any other IMAP-enabled email source. The system supports the setup of specific scraper emails, tailored to individual business needs.

Manual and Automatic Email Scraping

To accommodate different operational workflows, the Email Linker provides both automatic and manual scraping functionalities. Emails can be automatically scraped at regular intervals set by a cron job, or manually using an admin-only feature within Vtiger.

Intuitive Email Linker List View

Once emails are scraped, they are sorted into three lists: unlinked emails, manually linked emails, and automatically linked emails. This sorting allows users to easily manage emails and associate them with the correct CRM records. For unlinked emails, users have the option to create a new contact or link to an existing one, with similar functionalities for organizations and leads.

Streamlined Contact Creation and Email Assignment

When creating a new contact from an unlinked email, the system prompts for essential details and automatically fills in the primary email. This feature significantly speeds up the process of linking emails to the correct CRM records.

Failsafe for Email Alerts

Understanding the critical nature of emails in business operations, Boru has included a failsafe mechanism. This feature sends alerts to specified recipients if no emails have been linked within a set period, ensuring constant monitoring and quick resolution of any potential issues.


Boru’s Email Linker functionality for Vtiger open source is a powerful tool that simplifies email management within the CRM system. By enabling seamless integration with popular email services and providing an intuitive user interface for managing email links, this functionality enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Vtiger CRM. It’s an essential tool for businesses looking to maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date record of their email communications within their CRM platform.

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