Widgets that let you edit blocks of info directly.

We had a project a bit of time ago, where the client wanted to be able to edit certain blocks from an organization directly in the “Organization Summary” view in Vtiger. We were able to accomplish this by creating a new widget for the client that would appear on the “Summary View” page in Vitger. There, the client would see the  table with each of the blocks being a row, and in each row it would contain fields. Now, each field in this table is clickable and editable. So each time the user would click on this widget for the organization in Vtiger, the client would be able to add or edit data from the fields. The changes would then take place in the original location of that block.

In other words, we were able to cut steps down when it came to updating data for blocks by creating a widget that would allow the user to make edits quickly. In conclusion, we were able to give the customer have a better experience in Vtiger and expand the client’s abilities within it.

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