Vtiger 7 Feature: Today Button on Date Picker

There is a small but handy new feature that allows you to set dates for today. In Vtiger 7, you simply click on the “Today” button located below the calendar, instead of having to scroll or manually enter today’s date like you do in the Vtiger 6 date picker. Vtiger 6 Compared to Vtiger 7 […]

Vtiger Customization: Make it Easy for Your Sales Team to Update Opportunities

Our client requested an easier flow for creating and updating opportunities because they found that their sales team was not adding information in their company’s Vtiger CRM. This led to lost information and weaker sales outcomes. To combat this problem, Boru created a tool that simplified the process of entering data and saved the salespeople time.  With this […]

Vtiger 7 Feature: What is Up with the New Global Navigation?

Users now have more steps to get to their desired location from the Vtiger 7 global navigation.  While the navigation is more stylized than Vtiger 6.5, you have to click twice and scroll twice to get to the same location.   Take the “Organizations” page location as an example.  Only one step is required to […]

Vtiger 7 Tips & Tricks: Small Change for Advanced Global Search

Vtiger 6.5 and Vtiger 7 have the same advanced searches, but they have different buttons to activate the pop-up.  Vtiger 7 uses an arrow symbol for the button instead of the word “Advanced”, and the image  below shows a quick comparison of this difference. Contact us to learn more or for help with your Vtiger database!

Vtiger 7 Feature: New & Improved Tag Function

Vtiger 7 has vastly improved the functionality of tagging compared to the Vtiger 6 CRM, and there are four new functions beyond adding a tag. Four New Functions of Vtiger 7 Tags: View of current tags chosen for the company, contact, etc. Ability to choose from tags already populated in the Vtiger system. Public tag option […]